District 11 Area 2

Area 2

Area 2 consists of Zonta Clubs in Georgia, North Carolina & South Carolina

Clubs in Area 2

Zonta Club of Beaufort

Charter May 1, 1987
President: Tammy Siegner
Meetings: We meet every 4th Tuesday, 6pm – 7pm. Guests are welcome!
Email: zontabeaufort@yahoo.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zonta-Club-of-Beaufort
Visit our webpage:

Zonta Club of Columbia

Charter September 1, 1963
President: Pam Imm
Meetings: We meet on every 2nd Monday at 12:00 Noon, at the Palmetto Club, Sumter Street, Columbia, SC
Email: info@zontaofcolumbia.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zontaclubofcolumbia
Visit our webpage: https://www.zontaofcolumbia.org

Zonta Club of Franklin Area

Charter September 18, 1998
President: Debra Williams
Meetings: Every second Tuesday of the month, 5:30 pm
Email: zontafranklinnc@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zonta-Franklin-NC
Visit our webpage: https://www.zontafranklinnc.org/

Zonta Club of Hilton Head Island

Charter December 1, 1979
President: Kate Swisher
Meetings: We meet for snacks and conversation at 5 pm, with the meeting beginning at 5:15 pm on the first Thursday of each month.

Meeting Location: Palmetto Electric Hilton Head Community Room located at 111 Mathews Drive, Hilton Head, SC.  For more information, please email:  membership@zontahhi.org.  All are welcome!Email: info@zontahhi.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZontaHiltonHeadIsland/
Visit our webpage: http://www.zontahhi.org

Zonta Club of Savannah

Charter January 1, 1980
President: Regina Adesanya
Email: info@zontasavannah.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZontaSav
Visit our webpage: http://www.zontasavannah.org/

Zonta Club of Greenville

Charter: May 17, 2023
President: Elaine Braeuning
Meetings: meet for dinner on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30PM

Email: zontaclubofgreenville@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zontaclubofgreenville/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zontaclubofgreenville

Visit our webpage: http://www.zontaclubofgreenville.com